Monday, October 27, 2014


Greetings post-conference. We enjoyed our time with you in Orlando and wanted to follow up.

To those who attended our session Changes in Families' Ability and Willingness to Pay for College - How Should This Affect a College's Strategy?, our thanks for your enthusiasm and participation. It is clear to us that enrollment challenges – external market pressures and internal revenue results – have become the focus of many institutions’ financial outlook.

Two slides in particular – the relative change in sticker price from what today’s parents paid, and the “affluent push-back” showing families’ unwillingness to pay full price – were powerful and will get shared with colleagues.

From the conversations Tuesday afternoon and in emails we've already received, these issues must be part of the discussion in the higher education finance community.

For those who didn't attend the session, here is a link to our presentation, which was the jumping off point for our lively discussions.

Our goals were to provide data and insights to support your work when you return home, whatever your role. We also continue to seek input from others who share our commitment to realistic, sustainable solutions for higher education.

As Dan said, drawing on his 25 years as a college VP, we appreciate the challenges of balancing reality with high ambition. We all want to be institutional advocates grounded in reality.

The rewards may not come quickly but without our commitment, loyalty, and tenacity they won't come at all.

We look forward to continuing the conversation and welcome your participation: please keep in touch!


Dan Lundquist
Senior Counsel
The Stockade Consulting Group

Matt Scotty
National Education

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Gentleperson’s Guide to Pre-Retirement
(hint: it’s about more than money)

The notion of retirement is fairly modern, and varies by country and culture and class.   In the olden days there was no retirement, there was death.  This is still true in many parts of the modern world, even in America.  Putting aside the extreme example of Scandinavia (where some retire whenever they want, thanks to generous social-welfare systems), in general the modern notion of ceasing regular work in one’s early-to-mid-60s is the norm.

As the EKG-like trend line above suggests, Americans have an ADD-like fixation/avoidance relation with this topic, so here is a holistic guide to retirement planning.

Test Your Romantic Visions Against Reality: points to consider (and reconsider):

Replacement Activity(ies): type and frequency… relaxation, renewal, or sense of anomie?

Partner (who knows as little as you): are they prepared?

Finances: important for sure, but no matter what your nest-egg you won't know how you feel about not having income until you don’t have it… look in the mirror as hard as at your bank statements.

Homework: ask around… and press.  Many “congratulations” become confessions of restlessness, even visits to therapists’ couches.

Proust 0, Socrates 1: it isn’t that past memories are always rosier, it just may be that free time frees you up to introspect as much on life’s absurdities as its delights... there may be a (not so) gentle roller coaster in your early “retirement.”

And furthermore, why do so many people say “my so-called ‘retirement,’” bracketing the word in quotation marks with implied irony?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Higher Ed: The next bubble

Student debt, rising tuition push industry's limits

by Megan Rogers Albany Business Review

Diminished job prospects, student debt and a shrinking middle class are all hanging over higher education. It matters in a region that's home to nearly 20 colleges and universities. What they are doing before the bubble bursts.

Financial analyst Hugh Johnson was optimistic in his forecast for investors and business owners in 2014: An expanding economy, a lower unemployment rate in New York and more opportunities because of technology.

But higher education? Pop.

A bubble is looming over the higher education industry, said the chairman and chief investment officer at Hugh Johnson Advisors LLC in Albany, evidenced by dipping enrollments, fast-rising tuition prices and growing student debt. It's impossible to predict when the bubble will burst, but the higher education bubble "is staring you in the face," said Johnson, one of the foremost economic analysts in the country.

If the higher education business model collapses, colleges and universities that didn’t alter their business models will face draconian cutbacks or closure. In the Capital Region, home to nearly 20 higher education institutions, the watermarks of a burst bubble would be devastating.
Rising college costs have been part of the national conversation for at least a decade, said Amy Laitinen, deputy director for higher education at the nonpartisan think tank New America Foundation. But as more students graduate with debt and are unable to find jobs to pay off loans, whispers of an unsustainable business model have become louder in the past five years, she said. It’s the next two years that could be the most fascinating, she said.

As tuition has skyrocketed, outpacing the increase of median family income, enrollment has declined at many colleges and more students are taking out loans. Student loan debt topped $1 trillion in 2012, and topped credit card debt last year. Simultaneously, colleges and universities are investing in infrastructure and programs, like a new student center at Siena College and more online programs at The College of Saint Rose, based on the assumption that they’ll be able to draw more students.

"They've had no choice," Johnson said. "If they're going to continue to expand and increase their enrollments, which is their lifeblood, they're going to have to compete."

Johnson said the industry is in a stage of distress and headed toward the final stage of a bubble, the stage of revulsion, where colleges and universities resort to extreme measures because they haven't generated enough tuition revenue to repay infrastructure upgrades built to bring in more tuition dollars. In that fourth stage, colleges that aren’t generating enough money from tuition or elsewhere will be forced out of business. Others could default and reorganize, unable to pay bondholders loan interest. Private colleges that rely on tuition and endowments are at increased risk, he said. Johnson isn't the only one with these concerns. Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, recently penned an article for the Huffington Post, asking if colleges will go out of business.

The median family income rose 22 percent between 1970 and 2010. At the same time, public four-year tuition rates increased more than 200 percent and private four-year tuition rates increased slightly less than 150 percent, according to the Delta Cost Project at the American Institutes for Research, a nonpartisan research organization.

As tuition increases, so does student debt. New York's Class of 2012 graduated on average with $25,537 in debt, below the national average of $28,400, according to the Project on Student Debt at the Institute for College Access and Success, a nonprofit research organization. In 2005, the average student debt in New York was $18,795, according to a Project report.

Among local colleges analyzed, The College of Saint. Rose's graduates had the highest debt average of $34,919 and Skidmore College graduates had the lowest at $22,753. The Sage Colleges had the highest proportion of graduates with debt at 88 percent and Skidmore College had the lowest at 42 percent. The project did not have data on Union College in Schenectady.

Private colleges are likely to face more serious repercussions than public institutions, which will be able to rely on public funds, Johnson said. And if the stock market falters, private colleges would be in worse shape without revenue through endowments. An increasing stock market would be "the unexpected gift horse" for private colleges, he said.

For those graduates who fall behind in student loan payments, the bubble is about to burst, too, Johnson said.

RPI student Timothy Breen anticipates he will graduate with $90,000 in student loans. His roommate, Frank Abissi, hasn’t taken out loans yet, but said he’ll likely graduate with $35,000 in student loans and then pay them back over 10 or 20 years. The juniors, both of whom are studying mathematics, said it was the value of an RPI education, not the price tag, that brought them to the private college in Troy.

"If it's a good enough school, you pay tuition with the expectation you'll be able to get a job," Abissi said.

College costs are rising at the same time more people feel they need a degree to make a living and reach the middle class, Laitinen said. The two forces are on a collision course as some students get priced out of traditional residential colleges, she said.

"There's clearly the sense, and a growing sense, that higher education is becoming too expensive and maybe it's not providing all that is needed," she said.

If there's an industry bubble, the reverberation could be deep in the Capital Region, where education is a big piece of the economy. Independent colleges and universities in the Capital Region employed more than 11,200 individuals and contributed $3.7 billion to the state economy in 2011, according to a study by the Center for Governmental Research Inc. for the Commission for Independent Colleges and Universities.

Colleges will need to soul-search, Laitinen said. Are they providing enough value? If yes, how can they relay that message to potential students? And if not, how can they offer more value?

Some colleges, like Converse College in South Carolina and Concordia University in Oregon, gained attention in recent years when they reset tuition, cutting their sticker prices by 43 percent and 33 percent, respectively.

Sage College's vice president for marketing and enrollment management, Dan Lundquist, who also researches families' willingness and ability to pay for college, doesn't think the trend will catch on. Colleges won't follow suit because they worry that if they cut tuition, "it looks like they’re having a fire sale," he said.

Sage Colleges took a different approach and froze tuition for five years. The strategy has increased both the number of applications by 1,627 between 2008 and 2013 and tuition revenue by $7 million in the same time. It’s a controversial move among board members, Sage President Susan Scrimshaw said.

"There's a whole strategic set of issues for colleges today. How are we going to survive with the changing demographics? With the fact that we have to contain costs (which we have at Sage)?" she asked.

There's no simple solution. Siena College is taking a two-pronged approach. It has invested in multimillion dollar infrastructure improvements since 2010, including plans to remodel the student union, to increase enrollment. The Catholic liberal arts in Loudonville is looking to add some graduate programs to broaden revenue streams from its education programs, Siena College President Father Kevin Mullen said.

"We have clearly heard the message: You can't just have one offering, like undergraduate program and expect to be competitive in this market," he said.

Sage, Siena and other local colleges all saw their endowments investment returns grow between 2012 and 2013. While most increased tuition prices in the past 10 years, enrollment numbers have remained relatively flat. RPI’s enrollment grew by 543 students over the 10 years, second to Fulton-Montgomery Community College's 832. Both the Sage Colleges and Skidmore College saw an increase of 216 students. The College of Saint Rose's enrollment dipped by 139 students, Maria College's by 125 and Siena College by 116.

"A lot of folks would argue a number of residential, mostly private, colleges that will thrive because people always want to go and can afford to go," said Thomas Begley, dean of the Lally School of Management at RPI.

Still, many in education are anticipating some sort of shakeout because of technology disrupters. Colleges are exploring offering alternatives to traditional higher education, like competency-based education programs, certificate programs or online modules to harness some of the appeal of new educational models. For now, area colleges say they're prepared to weather the economy. But they need to be wary, Johnson warns. The burst will move in slow motion across the higher education industry.

"None of this happens real fast. It happens gradually over time," Johnson said. "My bottom line is, I see it coming."